Friday, May 30, 2008


So I finally got a new job. And since this job is a little more public, I can't say where it is. But if you actually really truly know know.

I'm quite excited. I start in a week. On balance, it's been nice here where I am for the last 2 years. Was it exactly what I wanted? No. But what job is. Until recently, I could tolerate it. And had some of the issues of the last few weeks not come up, I probably wouldn't be as thrilled as I am to be leaving. I'd be happy, but with out the immense feeling of relief to be peacing out.

In the meantime, I have one last tradeshow to execute here. Good times. It's a big one and the WHOLE office is going. Fun!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Where I've been...

I know - it's been a while. It's been so long that I've had phone calls and emails checking to make sure that I didn't check out, get kidnapped, or change jobs.

Nope - none of the above. I've just been busy. And distracted. And didn't have anything new to say. But since I need to keep my 3 readers happy, here's an update:

1) I'm almost, not quite, just about, very nearly over the enigma. And the old man. I'm happy to report that I've reduced thinking of them down to once every other week or so. It's pretty much been out of sight and most of the time out of mind.

1a) I've replaced the enigma and the old man with the figment...of my imagination. I met him on Craigslist (yes, I know) and after a couple really long emails, we started talking on the phone and texting. Now, it's been darn near 2 months. We haven't met but talk nearly every day. Dr. B. says it's ok, as long as I don't let this stand of the way of forming an actual, real, live relationship. In the meantime, all is well. He's nice and smart and funny. I really like talking to him. But only exists over the phone.

2) Somethings that have been moving frustratingly slow may be picking up the pace a little bit. I'm hoping that I'll be able to report back with out having to speak in code soon.

3) I joined a church. I like it. The people are nice. I feel good about it.

4) I've been baking. A lot. A lot a lot. Like the same amount that I knit from September to December. I've perfected cupcakes and cookies. Fun times.

That's about it. For now.