Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pinch me...or wow, are things actually clicking?

Dear readers...I'm happy to report that your terminally single blogger is no longer terminally single.

Or something like that.

So Monday night...yes, the very day that I'd written that I didn't know what was going on with K...he comes over and we talk and things are generally smoothed out. I can say that both of us are suprised by this. It's only been a few weeks, so no, no wedding bells, but there's definitely a connection. Enough of one that I cut C (the other guy I went out with a couple weeks ago). We've made plans a couple weeks out. We've talked about the race thing. And having to tell his mother - eventually - that he's not dating a Chinese girl. Basically, we've talked it out and established that we are dating. That we both enjoy each other's company.

And now we're working the rest out.

I'm learning that the large amounts of hair product needed to pull my hair back (and control it) will leave stains if I lean on his shoulder. That his kisses are a little slobbery (but not terribly so). That he owns exactly 5 pairs of shoes - and I think more than 5 pieces of Oakland Atheletics items. He sings tenor, enjoys his job, but is really passionate about music. I've replaced his XBox and watching TV with his roommates. He likes routines and schedules and consistency. He's learned that I occasionally put on way too much hair product (in my defense - I've only had long natural hair for a month or so...I'm still learning). That I love shopping sales. That I bought 4 pairs of JCrew flip flops over the last 2 weeks. That my friends and I have our own message board. That I'm not sure about having kids. That I don't consider going hiking out doors. That I don't make decisions about where to go for dinner. That my apartment, car, and office will always be just a little (or a lot) bit messy. That I fear and don't trust routines and stability. That I'm willing to move across country at the drop of a hat.

I'd be lying if I didn't say that it's a bit bizarre to be plopped down into a relationship (is that what this is?) so quickly. Bizarre and terrifying. And I, of course, am waiting to be pinched...he can't be this great, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course he can be! Good for you.