Monday, February 11, 2008

Why I voted for Barack Obama

In the California primary election last week, I voted against new term limits and extended gambling and in support of schools, hospitals and community colleges. Most importantly, I voted for Senator Barack Obama to be the Democratic nominee and (hopefully) our next president.

I am a late comer to the Obama camp. Early in this election season (last summer), I remained uncommitted and eventually narrowed my choices to either Edwards or Obama. Both - I felt - could adequately unite our nation and fix so many of the problems facing us. As the months have pressed on and as Edwards left the race, I find myself happily supporting Barack Obama.

So why?

Rationally - I can check off that Barack Obama has a lot of the same positions as I. I'm pro-rights. The woman's right to choose. The gun owner's right to carry (after getting a license and proving that they know how to use it safely). Pro-civil rights for everyone (that includes gay rights). Pro-civil liberties (meaning, I don't want my government tracking me unnecessarily). And (most importantly) pro-constitutional rights - freedom of speech and religion and assembly...without fear of retribution.

A look at shows that Barack Obama supports many of those same things. Pro-Choice (choice...not pro-abortion...choice). Opposed to amending the constitution to define marriage. He has asked the current administration to take responsibility for its infractions on American's civil liberties. He has taught constitutional law.

But at the end of the day it's really an issue of trust. Our next president (and our current one) must be held to a higher level of accountability to American voters. For too long (and I'm not just talking about George W), we have allowed our elected officials to skate along...passing legislation that erodes American values and is in direct conflict with the needs of most of us.

We saw this with George HW Bush's ruining of the economy and inaction on the environment.

We saw this with Clinton's siding with the GOP on the budget, crime, welfare, FDMA, don't ask don't tell and many many many other issues.

We've seen it with very nearly everything that George W has done.

In the months since the Democrats took control of Congress, things have not gotten better. We've seen judges move through committee and the full Senate with nary a question of their biased, conservative (and sometimes down right bigoted) background. We've seen laws sit in filibuster or be changed past the point of recognition to secure passage.

Through all of this, we as Americans have become complacent. I would venture to say that we are fearful to demand more of our elected officials. But for me, Barack Obama represents that "more." I see in him the aptitude to provide the leadership needed so that we are no longer governed by compromises that serve only a few, but by real actions. I see in him the power to transform and the ability to challenge.

Hilary Clinton has "experience." She has spent 7 years in the Senate, carefully calculating her moves so as to remain "electable." She has been increasingly centrist. Like her husband, she has buddied up to the GOP, going along to get along. The experience we, as Americans, have with this type of presidency is a promise of 4-8 years of either stalemate or bad compromises. We don't need that kind of experience again. We need new eyes and a new vision and a commitment to positive change.

I've said a lot - so let me summarize. Barack Obama stands for much of what I believe. His experience shows that he is in support of most of my key issues - abortion, gay rights, civil liberties. His potential tells me that he will be a president who will lead through decisive action, inspiration, and accountability. We can ill afford another day with the government we have had for the past 19 years...a government that is neither serving our needs nor supporting our future. We need change. We need action. We need Barack Obama.

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