Friday, July 11, 2008

Adventures in (not) dating

Yeah – I’m back on Because I’m a masochist, obviously. I love the self-torture of subjecting myself to paying for reject. FUN!

So things didn’t work out with the figment of my imagination. We met once. Hung out for HOURS playing Scrabble, drinking tea, and having dinner. Yes, he was fat and not rich and had HORRIBLE clothes (truly tragic clothing). But he was nice and sweet, and I had thoroughly enjoyed his company and conversation over the months. Of course after we met, he disappeared. Just like – whoosh – gone.

So that’s over. Haven’t heard from the enigma or the old man either. I occasionally think of them, but it’s not as hard as it was back in March.

So it’s just for now…which is pretty horrible. I posted the picture that’s also my profile picture here – I’ve had lots of looks at my profile, but only 2 emails. Seriously – that’s less than a 2% response rate. I’ve emailed guys and have had 0 responses. Um, yeah. It’s definitely driving me crazy. I’m a results-oriented person….so I’m getting pretty obsessed with the fact that there’s no results.

So that’s that – same song, different day – sorry there’s nothing more exciting to say there.


Anonymous said...

At least your not getting emails from old ass white men. Or men who refuse to post a pic but want all of YOUR vitals.

cjames30082 said...

(For Good measure) NO.

Get off that It's a trap. You don't need that. I have seen personally two many horror stories about and online dating in general. It just doesn't work. And for the people it "did" work for, they would have been successful at a relationship without

I have a good friend and she found a guy on He was all that......on paper. Church member, community volunteer, attorney, house, 6'5 (oh yeah). I tried to tell her something was wrong with the guy....I mean that ATLANTA......not married, no girlfriend, on NO WAY.

Anyway, everything seemed good. At first, she sold her house and actually moved in with us before the wedding. I know I am skipping but you get the jist. You can only imagine that she has to be a good friend for her to move in with us(Yes me and my wife) and my wife didn't even think anything of it.

Anyway, during the 3 months she lived with us, we saw the brotha ONCE. That's not what got me, I thought that he should have let her live in his house and he should move out. I mean if this is your fiance and this is supposed to be the person you should be with for the rest of your life then let her stay in the house that the two of you will occupy after the nuptials.

Well that didn't happen. The Ring was so nice, I wanted to marry the brotha(just a figure of speech). The wedding was at the Ritz-Carlton and was all that again. I mean they had the Black and white photography, poses, and all that. We ate Beef Wellington at the reception.

Six weeks later he says something to the effect of...I don't like your droopy breasts. They both were going to church but they did have fornication sessions a couple of times before the nuptials. She said that she had been celebate for 5 years prior so I guess she couldn't keep Ms. Missy under wraps. ANYWAY!

Come to find out he is one of those "Down Low" brothas. Lord Have mercy it sounds like a "Tyler Perry" movie. So all of this was between Oct 2006(first met) - Feb 2008(divorce).

I hope this scares you into doing something else. You don't need it. You are a nice looking chick, seem to have a good head on your shoulder, you can do it.

Gracie B. said...

haha - thanks for the word of warning. I don't take it too seriously - and unfortunately, I think I've already paid for the next month, so I think I'm stuck. I just figure it's one places to quasi-easily meet (black) men.