Tuesday, August 28, 2007

If I looked like this...

If I looked like this:
Saleisha from ANTM9

I would be such a bitch. And would dress like a hooker. Seriously, I would be horrible. You would hate me. Which is why God will never let me look like that. Plus there's my love of Haagen-Dazs.

Now, lest you think that I'm worrying my pretty little head about EVER being that thin...I'm not. I, personally, would look like a bobble head if I put my head on that body. I honestly like my body. But I would be such a bitch if I looked like that. An unbearable bitch.

But speaking of ANTM and being a not small person. This is the token plus size girl:

Sarah from ANTM9

Seriously? SERIOUSLY?

Photos from: http://community.livejournal.com/topmodel/1659691.html

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